Xylo-Imu Manual Mode#
Manual mode is debug/test mode of Xylo-IMU. You can input spikes and trigger processing and read/write register or memory at anytime in this mode.
Typically all things are controlled manually in manual mode, here is an example that bases on packages :
- samna 0.33.1
import samna
def initialize_board() :
dk = samna.device.open_device("XyloImuTestBoard:0")
buf = samna.graph.sink_from(dk.get_model_source_node())
source = samna.graph.source_to(dk.get_model_sink_node())
return dk, buf, source
dk, buf, source = initialize_board()
def build_event_type_filters(dk, graph):
_, etf0, register_value_buf = graph.sequential([dk.get_model_source_node(), "XyloImuOutputEventTypeFilter", samna.graph.JitSink()])
_, etf1, readout_buf = graph.sequential([dk.get_model_source_node(), "XyloImuOutputEventTypeFilter", samna.graph.JitSink()])
_, etf2, interrupt_buf = graph.sequential([dk.get_model_source_node(), "XyloImuOutputEventTypeFilter", samna.graph.JitSink()])
_, etf3, membrane_potential_buf = graph.sequential([dk.get_model_source_node(), "XyloImuOutputEventTypeFilter", samna.graph.JitSink()])
_, etf4, synaptic_current_buf = graph.sequential([dk.get_model_source_node(), "XyloImuOutputEventTypeFilter", samna.graph.JitSink()])
_, etf5, hidden_spike_buf = graph.sequential([dk.get_model_source_node(), "XyloImuOutputEventTypeFilter", samna.graph.JitSink()])
return register_value_buf, readout_buf, interrupt_buf, membrane_potential_buf, synaptic_current_buf, hidden_spike_buf
graph = samna.graph.EventFilterGraph() # Please mind that this `graph` object can't be released in python while receiving events, otherwise no event will be received.
register_value_buf, readout_buf, interrupt_buf, membrane_potential_buf, synaptic_current_buf, hidden_spike_buf = build_event_type_filters(dk, graph)
graph.start() # Graph has to be started manually to work.
def read_register(address):
source.write([samna.xyloImu.event.ReadRegisterValue(address = address)])
events = register_value_buf.get_n_events(1, 2000) # Try to get 1 event in 2 seconds.
assert(len(events) == 1)
return events[0].data
def trigger_processing():
# Send a trigger and wait for processing done
interrupt_events = interrupt_buf.get_n_events(1, 2000) # Try to get 1 event in 2 seconds.
if not interrupt_events:
# By default there is an interrupt after processing done.
raise Exception("No interrupt occurs after processing done!")
def request_readout(hidden_count, output_count):
readouts = readout_buf.get_n_events(1, 2000)
# Only two attributes of `Readout` event is available in manual mode: `timestep`, `output_v_mems`.
# We have to read all other things manually in manual mode.
assert(len(readouts) == 1)
readout = readouts[0]
# Read all membrane potentials
for _ in range(2): # Due to a bug on chip, you have to read memory twice to ensure it's correct.
source.write([samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMembranePotential(neuron_id = i) for i in range(hidden_count + output_count)])
membrane_potentials = membrane_potential_buf.get_n_events(hidden_count + output_count, 5000)
assert(len(membrane_potentials) == hidden_count + output_count)
readout.neuron_v_mems = [e.value for e in membrane_potentials]
# Read all synaptic current
for _ in range(2): # Due to a bug on chip, you have to read memory twice to ensure it's correct.
source.write([samna.xyloImu.event.ReadSynapticCurrent(neuron_id = i) for i in range(hidden_count + output_count)])
synaptic_currents = synaptic_current_buf.get_n_events(hidden_count + output_count, 5000)
assert(len(synaptic_currents) == hidden_count + output_count)
readout.neuron_i_syns = [e.value for e in synaptic_currents]
# Read all hidden spike count
source.write([samna.xyloImu.event.ReadHiddenSpikeCount(neuron_id = i) for i in range(hidden_count)])
hidden_spikes = hidden_spike_buf.get_n_events(hidden_count, 5000)
assert(len(hidden_spikes) == hidden_count)
readout.hidden_spikes = [e.count for e in hidden_spikes]
# Read output spikes from register
stat_reg_addr = 0x4B
stat = read_register(stat_reg_addr)
readout.output_spikes = [1 if stat & (1 << i) else 0 for i in range(output_count)]
return readout
def apply_configuration():
xylo_config = samna.xyloImu.configuration.XyloConfiguration()
xylo_config.operation_mode = samna.xyloImu.OperationMode.Manual
input_count = 3
hidden_count = 5
output_count = 2
xylo_config.input.weights = [[1] * hidden_count] * input_count
xylo_config.hidden.weights = [[1] * hidden_count] * hidden_count
hidden_neurons = [samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenNeuron()] * hidden_count
xylo_config.hidden.neurons = hidden_neurons
output_neurons = [samna.xyloImu.configuration.OutputNeuron()] * output_count
xylo_config.readout.neurons = output_neurons
xylo_config.readout.weights = [[1] * output_count] * hidden_count
return xylo_config, input_count, hidden_count, output_count
xylo_config, input_count, hidden_count, output_count = apply_configuration()
def send_spikes(neurons):
events = []
for n in neurons:
ev = samna.xyloImu.event.Spike()
ev.neuron_id = n
def evolve(input_neurons):
send_spikes(input_neurons) # Input spikes to process
trigger_processing() # Process the input spikes, returns when processing done
readout = request_readout(hidden_count, output_count) # Read all state after processing to debug
print("Readout after processing: ", readout)
# Request manually
readout = request_readout(hidden_count, output_count)
print("Initial readout: ", readout)
# Process spikes and read state after processing
evolve([0,1,2]) # timestep 0
evolve([1,1,2,2,2,0,0]) # timestep 1
evolve([]) # timestep 2
evolve([2,2,1,1,0]) # timestep 3