The Samna visualizer can be started in a process separately from the Python process where you import Samna
(Note: before import samnagui, we should import samna first).
This can be done either via the provided samnagui
script by executing
$ samnagui
From a terminal. Or by calling samna.run_visualizer
from Python.
- samna.run_visualizer(receiver_endpoint, width_proportion, height_proportion)#
Opens the visualizer window, set the window size relative to main monitor size, configures its receiving endpoint.
: the visualiser’s endpoint for receiving events (e.g. “tcp://”).width_proportion
the rate between window width and workarea width of main monitor, default 0.75,which means this window has a width which equals to 3/4 width of main monitor’s workarea.
the rate between window height and workarea height of main monitor, default 0.75,which means this window has a height which equals to 3/4 height of main monitor’s workarea.
Once opened, you may connect to the visualizer using the node system which provides remote control of the UI elements from Python.
API Reference:#
Visualizer ui configuration events
Related filters (SpikeCollectionNode, SpikeCountNode, CustomFilterNode, MeasurementToVizConverter): Filters
Power monitor: