JIT Filters#

In addition to the filters that are built into samna, it is possible to define user specific JIT filters.

These user specific JIT filters must be written in C++ and provide almost the full flexibility the language allows. The JIT filters are (just-in-time) compiled into the module when the filter nodes are instantiated in the graph.

A distinction in terminology is made between a JIT filter and a JIT filter node. The former can be regarded as a template or a builder, of which the node is an instance. The latter is the actual node in the graph that the user can interact with and that is the one that is actually executed.


Initialisation is handled automatically when samna module is loaded so JIT filters are ready to go immediately after import samna.

Defining JIT filters#

Two types of builders are available for defining JIT filters. The JitFilter is the most flexible and can be used to define any filter. The JitFunctionFilter is a specialisation of the JitFilter that can be used to define a subset of operations.

These builders are subsequently passed to the graph.sequential method to instantiate the concrete filter nodes. Because the input type for a filter node is automatically deduced, the first element in the sequence cannot be a JIT filter.

# Define a JIT filter
jit_filter = samna.graph.JitFilter('FilterName', filter_source)
# Instantiate the JIT filter
_, jit_filter_node = graph.sequential([some_node, jit_filter])

The concrete JIT filter nodes that are created in the sequential call are like any other filter node and can used in the same way.


The JitFunctionFilter is easy to use, because only the filter function must be provided, but it is strictly limited to map functions on events. Its constructor accepts two arguments:

  • name (str): Name of the filter to be created. Can not be filterFunction.

  • source (str): Source code for the filter function passed. Must have a function called filterFunction that takes one event and returns one event. Input and output do not have to be the same type and also templates can be used. The function must be pure, meaning it can have no state nor side effects.

filter_source = '''
    template <typename Input>
    auto filterFunction(const Input& input)
        return std::to_string(input);

samna.graph.JitFunctionFilter('FilterName', filter_source)


Sometimes it is necessary to define a filter that is not a pure function. For example the reduce function needs to keep track of the accumulated state. Because the JitFilter allows the user to write the complete C++ filter class, state can then be stored in class members.

Although the JitFilter is more flexible than the JitFunctionFilter, it is not as easy to use and subject to several requirements.

C++ filter class requirements#

template<typename Input, typename Output>
class FilterInterface {
    virtual ~FilterInterface() = default;

    virtual void apply();
    // Non-blocking method to receive input events.
    std::optional<Input> receiveInput() noexcept;
    // Blocking method to wait for input events, if timeout < 0 then wait indefinitely.
    std::optional<Input> receiveInputOrTimeout(const std::chrono::system_clock::duration& timeout) noexcept;

    void forwardResult(const Output& result);
    void forwardResultsInBulk(const std::vector<Output>& container);

The filter class must inherit from iris::FilterInterface<Input, Output>. The Input and Output types can be the same. Generally, the Input and Output types are std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<T>> where T is the type of the events.

The filter class must be default constructible, so its constructor cannot take any arguments. If the class has members that must be initialised, sensible defaults should be used.

The apply method must be overridden. This method is evaluated by the filter graph and should apply the filter function on the input events. Inside this method the filter can call the protected receiveInput and forwardResult methods to receive and forward input and output events. Note that the apply method is evaluated from a different thread, so proper synchronisation is required when accessing members. The following implementation of apply can be used as a starting point. The JitFunctionFilter uses a similar implementation to apply the provided filter function.

template<typename Input, typename Output>
void FilterInterface<Input, Output>::apply()
    Input inputValue;
    std::vector<Output> results;

    while (const auto input = this->receiveInput(inputValue)) {

    if (results.empty()) {


To use the filter in python it must be registered in the module. The following class in svejs must be specialised for the user defined filter.

namespace svejs {
    template<typename T>
    struct RegisterImplementation<CustomFilter<T>> {
        static constexpr inline auto registerConstructors()
            return constructors(constructor<>());

        static constexpr inline auto registerBaseClasses()
            return svejs::BaseClasses<iris::NodeInterface>();

        static inline auto registerName()
            // TODO: Register the name of the filter here
            return std::string("CustomFilter_") + svejs::snakeCase(svejs::registerName<T>());

        static constexpr inline auto registerMembers()
            // TODO: Register public members here
            return members();

        static constexpr inline auto registerMemberFunctions()
            // TODO: Register public member functions here
            return memberFunctions();

Only the public API that needs to be accessible in python must be registered. The registerMembers function should return all the public members and the registerMemberFunctions function should return all the public member functions of the class that should be accessible from python. The registerName function should return the name of the filter class that should be used in the filter graph. All the namespaces provided in the registration will be turned into submodules and the names themselves converted to snake case.

Preconditions and limitations of JitFilter#

The JIT compilation of filters can have a significant cost in terms of time, in order to limit this effect internally samna has to make some assumptions about the filters.

  1. Members of the filter cannot have custom getters and setters in their svejs registration.

  2. Setting a member from a python dictionary is not allowed.

  3. Automatic generation of comparison operators, conversion to string operator, from_json and to_json methods is not available.

  4. It is possible to define new types to help develop JIT Filters but these types must be used only internally, they cannot be bound to python explicitly. The following snippet describes a valid and invalid use case of types introduced at JIT time.

# The following example is WRONG.

filter_source = '''

    struct MyType{
        auto doComputation(const Input& input);

    template <typename Input>
    auto filterFunction(const Input& input)
        return MyType{}; // Cannot return a new type out of the JIT function

# The following example is CORRECT.

filter_source = '''

    struct MyType{
        auto doComputation(const Input& input);

    template <typename Input>
    auto filterFunction(const Input& input)
        MyType helper{};
        auto results = helper.doComputation(input);  // MyType is used only within the JIT filter.
        return results;

Precompiled Headers#

It is not possible to add custom headers to the JitFilter. The available headers are precompiled by the module. In addition to all the event definitions in samna, the following headers from the C++ standard library are included.

  • General utilities
    • <any>

    • <chrono>

    • <cstdint>

    • <functional>

    • <memory>

    • <optional>

    • <tuple>

    • <utility>

    • <variant>

  • Algorithms and math
    • <algorithm>

    • <numeric>

    • <random>

  • Containers and iterators
    • <array>

    • <deque>

    • <iterator>

    • <list>

    • <map>

    • <queue>

    • <set>

    • <stack>

    • <unordered_map>

    • <unordered_set>

    • <vector>

  • Strings
    • <string>

    • <string_view>

  • Thread synchronization
    • <atomic>

    • <mutex>

Example JitFilter#

The code below is how to create a JitFilter for the EventRescaleFilter filter as it is implemented in samna.

filter_source = '''
    template<typename T>
    class EventRescaleFilter : public iris::FilterInterface<std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<T>>, std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<T>>> {
        void setRescalingCoefficients(double widthCoeff, double heightCoeff)
            std::lock_guard lock{coeffMutex};
            this->widthCoeff = widthCoeff;
            this->heightCoeff = heightCoeff;

        void reset()
            std::lock_guard lock{coeffMutex};
            widthCoeff = heightCoeff = 1.0;

        void apply() override
            auto result = std::make_shared<std::vector<T>>();

            std::lock_guard lock{coeffMutex};

            while (auto events = this->receiveInput()) {
                std::transform((*events)->cbegin(), (*events)->cend(), std::back_inserter(*result), [&, this](auto ev) {
                    ev.x /= heightCoeff;
                    ev.y /= widthCoeff;
                    return ev;

            if (result->empty()) {


        std::mutex coeffMutex;

        double widthCoeff = 1.;
        double heightCoeff = 1.;

    namespace svejs {
    template<typename T>
    struct RegisterImplementation<EventRescaleFilter<T>> {

        using Type = EventRescaleFilter<T>;

        static constexpr inline auto registerConstructors()
            return constructors(constructor<>());

        static constexpr inline auto registerMembers()
            return members();

        static constexpr inline auto registerMemberFunctions()
            return memberFunctions(memberFunction("setRescalingCoefficients", &Type::setRescalingCoefficients),
                                memberFunction("reset", &Type::reset));

        static constexpr inline auto registerBaseClasses()
            return svejs::BaseClasses<iris::NodeInterface>();

        static inline auto registerName()
            return std::string("graph::nodes::EventRescale_") + svejs::snakeCase(svejs::registerName<T>());

EventRescaleFilter = samna.graph.JitFilter('EventRescaleFilter', filter_source) # The first argument of JitFilter must match the name of the filter class

C++ Templates#

Although the above examples are defined using C++ templates, this is not required. It is possible to explicitly specify the input and output types of the filter. Using templates however allows the same node to be used to create filters for different event types.

crop_filter = samna.graph.JitFunctionFilter('CropFilter', crop_source)
speck_graph.sequential(['Speck2bForward', crop_filter])
dynapcnn_graph.sequential(['DynapcnnForward', crop_filter])

Sources and Sinks#

For all devices the specific BasicSourceNode and BasicSinkNode are already available to the user. JIT sources and sinks allow the user to easily connect sources and sinks in the sequential method.

The JitSource builder is used to create a source node and if used, must be the first element in the sequence. Because it is the first node in the sequence, the type of events cannot be inferred and must be specified.

source_node, _ = graph.sequential([JitSource(speck.event.InputEvent), 'SpeckForward'])

The JitSink builder is used to create a sink node and if used, must be the last element in the sequence. Its type is automatically deduced from the previous filter node.

_, sink_node = graph.sequential(['DynapcnnForward', JitSink()])
output_events = sink_node.get_events()

Convenience functions#

A frequent use case is to create sources and sink nodes to interact with the devices. Convenience functions source_to and sink_from are provided to create these nodes without having to first create a filter graph. These functions use the JitSource and JitSink builders described above.

source_node = source_to(device_model.get_sink_node())

sink_node = sink_from(device_model.get_source_node())
output_events = sink_node.get_events()

Built-in Filters#

The following filters are already contained in samna and available to the user as JIT filters. See Available Filters for a description of the filters, of which this list is a subset.

  • JitEventCounterSink

  • JitEventCrop

  • JitEventDecimate

  • JitEventRescale

  • JitEventToggle

  • JitEventTypeFilter

  • JitMajorityReadout

  • JitMemberSelect

  • JitSpikeCollection

  • JitSpikeCount

  • JitSplitting

  • JitZMQReceiver

  • JitZMQStreamer


Some of them need an arguments to indicate the type of output events. For example samna.graph.JitMajorityReadout(samna.ui.Event).


Available arguments


The advantage of using the JIT version is that the right filter is selected for the device automatically. For example, these 2 lines are equivalent:

graph.sequential([speck2b_model.get_source_node(), samna.graph.JitSpikeCollection(samna.speck2b.event.Spike)])
graph.sequential([speck2b_model.get_source_node(), 'Speck2bSpikeCollectionNode'])

JIT cache#

In order to allow users to have a faster experience with JIT filters a caching mechanism was introduced. Code compiled with the JIT will be cached as object files in a hidden folder placed in the user’s home directory (~/.samna/jit_cache).

The cache can be flushed programmatically with the clear_jit_cache function.
