

Module content#

class samna.unifirm.UnifirmHook#

Bases: pybind11_object

An object used to hook into unifirm packet traffic.

inject_rx(self: samna.unifirm.UnifirmHook, arg0: List[List[int] | str]) None#

Inject packets into unifirm receive queue.

inject_tx(self: samna.unifirm.UnifirmHook, arg0: List[List[int] | str]) None#

Inject packets into the unifirm transmit queue. Can be used as a developer interface for the underlying hardware, since it allows injecting generic packets into the unifirm network.

poll_rx(self: samna.unifirm.UnifirmHook) List[List[int] | str]#

Collect packet traffic on the unifirm receive queue.). Can be used as a developer interface for the underlying hardware, since it allows collecting responses of

poll_tx(self: samna.unifirm.UnifirmHook) List[List[int] | str]#

Collect packet traffic on the unifirm transmit queue. Can be used to get unifirm packets corresponding to high-level commands sent from samna to the hardware. Does not require an actual physical connection to hardware to work as intended.