



Module content#

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AdcConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of Xylo-Audio3 ADC.

property adc_conversion_speed#

ADC conversion spped.

property enable_adc_serial#

Enable ADC serial.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AdcConfig, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AdcConfig) str#
class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AnalogFrontendConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of Xylo-Audio3 analog frontend.

property adc#

ADC configuration.

property automatic_gain_control#

Automatic gain control configuration.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AnalogFrontendConfig, arg0: str) None#
property ivgen#

IVGEN configuration.

property ldo#

LDO configuration.

property lna_cft#


to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AnalogFrontendConfig) str#
class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AnalogTestModeConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

Analog test mode options.

property bypass_test_buffer#

Bypass test buffer.

property dynamic_pull_down#

Set dynamic analog multiplexer output pull down.

property dynamic_pull_up#

Set dynamic analog multiplexer output pull up.

property enable_current_test_mode#

Enable current test mode.

property enable_dynamic#

Enable measurement of dynamic voltages.

property enable_static#

Enable measurement of static voltages.

property enable_test_buffers#

Enable test buffers.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AnalogTestModeConfig, arg0: str) None#
property monitor_dynamic_signals#

Test multiplexer for monitoring dynamic analog voltage signals.

property monitor_static_signals#

Test multiplexer for monitoring static analog voltage signals.

property monitoring_test_signals#

Test multiplexer for monitoring analog current signals.

property select_test_mode#

Select Test mode.

0: Sequential mode (default). 1: Direct access mode.

property speed_test_buffer0#

Bias current adjustment of test buffer 0.

property speed_test_buffer1#

Bias current adjustment of test buffer 1.

property static_pull_down#

Set static analog multiplexer output pull down.

property static_pull_up#

Set static analog multiplexer output pull up.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AnalogTestModeConfig) str#
property update_ana1#

Update register ANA_TESTMODE_CTRL1.

property update_ana2#

Update register ANA_TESTMODE_CTRL2.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AutomaticGainControlConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of the automatic gain control.

property aaf_oversampling_mode#

Anti aliasing filter oversampling mode. Possible values:

0: no oversampling. 1: oversampling x2. 2: oversampling x4.

property amp_thresholds#

Amplification thresholds. Sixteen values expected.

property anti_alias_filter_a_parameters#

Anti aliasing filter A parameters. Four parameter values expected.

property anti_alias_filter_b_parameters#

Anti aliasing filter B parameters. Five parameter values expected.

property anti_alias_filter_baf#

Anti aliasing filter baf parameter.

property anti_alias_filter_surplus#

Anti aliasing filter surplus parameter.

property down_gain_rotation_shift_averages#

Down gain rotation shift averages. Fifteen values expected.

property enable_gain_smoother#

Enable gain smoother.

property enable_pga_fixed_gain#

Enable PGA fixed gain from config.

property fall_average_bit_shift#

Value of fall average bit shift of digital automatic gain control.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AutomaticGainControlConfig, arg0: str) None#
property gain_high_res_init_value#

(Initial value for high resolutio gain.

property gain_smoother_average_bit_shift#

Value of average bit shift in gain smoother.

property gain_smoother_gain_fraction_num_bits#

Value of number of bits gain fraction in gain smoother.

property max_sample_number#

Maximum sample number.

property pga_fixed_gain_index_value#

PGA fixed gain value.

property pga_gain_index_variations#

PGA gain index variations. Seventeen values expected.

property reliable_max_hysteresis#

Value of reliable max hysteresis.

property rise_average_bit_shift#

Value of rise average bit shift of digital automatic gain control.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.AutomaticGainControlConfig) str#
property up_gain_rotation_shift_averages#

Up gain rotation shift averages. Fifteen values expected.

property wait_time_vectors#

unit in one clock cycle period (ADC sampling rate). Sixteen values expected.


Wait times

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.DebugConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

Debug options.

property alias_clock_enable#

Manually enable aliasing clock.

property analog_test_mode#

Analog test mode configuration.

property bias_clock_enable#

Manually enable bias clock.

property cntr_stat_reg_source#

Select CNTR_STAT source.


property debug_input_enable#

Use input registers selected for debugging.

property debug_status_update_enable#

Enable debug status register fields.

Affected debug status register fields: DBG_STAT1.{MON[0-3],ISPKREG_SEL_WR_STA,ISPKREG_SEL_RD_STA,HM} CNTR_STAT

property direct_output_delay#

Time to wait for output pins to stabilize, in increments of 10ns. Default is 127.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.DebugConfig, arg0: str) None#
property hm_clock_enable#

Manually enable hibernation mode clock.

property i2c_noise_filter_cycle#

I2C noise filter cycle.

Valid values [0,7] with 0: filter SCL / SDA noise spike with max. width in 1 I2C module clock cycle, … 7: filter SCL / SDA noise spike with max. width in 8 I2C module clock cycle.

property input_read_select#

Select input spike register for reading.

0: select ISPKREG0x for read 1: select ISPKREG1x for read

property input_write_select#

Select input spike register for writing

0: select ISPKREG0x for write 1: select ISPKREG1x for write

property isyn2_clock_enable#

Manually enable synaptic current 2 clock.

property isyn_clock_enable#

Manually enable synaptic current clock.

property monitor_neuron_i_syn#

The neurons to monitor for synaptic current.

Note: Synaptic current monitoring is only available in accelerated mode.

property monitor_neuron_i_syn2#

The neurons to monitor for synaptic current 2.

Note: Synaptic current 2 monitoring is only available in accelerated mode.

property monitor_neuron_spike#

The neurons to monitor for spikes.

Note: Spike monitoring is only available in accelerated mode.

property monitor_neuron_v_mem#

The neurons to monitor for membrane potential.

Note: Membrane potential monitoring is only available in accelerated mode.

property pad_control#

IO pads control.

This is only configurable in manual mode. When configured incorrectly, the selected input source may be disabled.

property ram_access_enable#

Enable read/write access to RAM, default disabled.

RAM access must be enabled to read from and write to the memories with events. Unnecessarily wnabling this option leads to high idle power consumption. In Accelerated-Time mode, RAM access is enabled automatically, because it is required for network state readout.

property ram_auto_sleep_control#

RAM auto sleep control.

0: RAM automatically goes to light sleep mode during idle 1: RAM automatically goes to deep sleep mode during idle

property ram_deep_sleep#

Connect RAM to deep sleep if manual sleep is enabled.

property ram_light_sleep#

Connect RAM to light sleep if manual sleep is enabled.

property ram_manual_sleep_enable#

Manually connect RAM to light or deep sleep.

property ram_power_enable#

Manually enable all RAM power.

property read_timing_select#

Read timing select:

0: Aggressive, for debug. 1: Default. 2: Relax, for debug. 3: Most relax, for debug.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.DebugConfig) str#
property use_timestamps#

Use microseconds timestamps in Recording and Direct Output mode. Default is disabled.

If enabled, generated Spike and DirectOutputValue events use microseconds timestamps. Otherwise, events have timesteps calculated from the main clock frequency and XyloConfiguration.time_resolution_wrap.

property write_timing_select#

Write timing select:

0: Aggressive, for debug. 1: Default. 2: Relax, for debug. 3: Most relax, for debug.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.DigitalFrontendConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of Xylo-Audio3 digital frontend.

property filter_bank#

Filter bank configuration.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.DigitalFrontendConfig, arg0: str) None#
property hibernation_mode_enable#

Enable hibernation mode.

property hibernation_mode_threshold#

Hibernation mode threshold.

property hibernation_mode_time_window#

Hibernation mode time window.

property pdm_preprocessing#

PDM preprocessing configuration.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.DigitalFrontendConfig) str#
property vad_time_window#

Time window for VAD decision.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.FilterBankConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of the digital frontend filter bank.

property bpf_a1_values#

Bandpass filter A1 parameter for channels 0-15.

property bpf_a2_values#

Bandpass filter A2 parameter for channels 0-15.

property bpf_baf_values#

Bandpass filter BAF parameter for channels 0-15.

property bpf_bb_values#

Bandpass filter BB parameter for channels 0-15.

property bpf_bwf_values#

Bandpass filter BWF parameter for channels 0-15.

property dn_b_values#

Divisive Normalisation B parameter for channels 0-15.

property dn_enable#

Enable Divisive Normalisation.

property dn_eps_values#

Divisive Normalisation EPS parameter for channels 0-15.

property dn_k1_values#

Divisive Normalisation K1 parameter for channels 0-15.

property dn_k2_values#

Divisive Normalisation K2 parameter for channels 0-15.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.FilterBankConfig, arg0: str) None#
property iaf_thresholds#

Integrate and Fire local threshold for channels 0-15.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.FilterBankConfig) str#
property use_global_iaf_threshold#

Use global threshold for Integrate and Fire.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.HiddenConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The hidden weight and neuron configuration of Xylo-Audio3.

property aliasing#

Whether enable hidden alias.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.HiddenConfig, arg0: str) None#
property neurons#

A vector of neuron configurations, each element is an instance of HiddenNeuron

property syn2_weights#

The recurrent synapse 2 weights of hidden neurons fanout.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.HiddenConfig) str#
property weight_bit_shift#

Hidden Weight Bit Shift.

property weights#

The recurrent synapse weights of hidden neurons fanout.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.HiddenNeuron#

Bases: pybind11_object

The options for each hidden neuron.

property alias_target#

The aliasing target neuron ID of HN, default None.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.HiddenNeuron, arg0: str) None#
property i_syn2_decay#

The decay parameter of second synapse current (dash syn) of HN.

property i_syn_decay#

The decay parameter of synapse current (dash syn) of HN.

property membrane_potential#

The membrane potential (Vmem) of HN.

property spike_count#

Generated / aliased spike count of HN.

property synaptic_current#

The synapse current (Isyn) of HN.

property synaptic_current2#

The second synapse current (Isyn2) of HN.

property threshold#

Threshold for membrane potential (Vth) of HN.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.HiddenNeuron) str#
property v_mem_bias#

The membrane potential bias of HN.

property v_mem_decay#

The decay parameter of membrane potential (dash mem) of HN.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.InputConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The input weight configuration of Xylo-Audio3.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.InputConfig, arg0: str) None#
property syn2_weights#

The weights between input neurons and input expansion neurons of Isyn2.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.InputConfig) str#
property weight_bit_shift#

Input Weight Bit Shift.

property weights#

The weights between input neurons and input expansion neurons.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.IvgenConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of Xylo-Audio3 IV generator.

property absolute_value_trim_bandgap#

Bandgap absolute value trim.

property adc_buffer_bias#

Bias current adjust for ADC reference buffer.

property adc_buffer_test#

Test option to decrease the ADC reference buffer current down to x0.25 w.r.t. 50ksps option..

property afe_drv_bias#

Bias current adjust for AFE DRV.

property afe_lna_bias#

Bias current adjust for AFE LNA.

property afe_pga_bias#

Bias current adjust for AFE PGA.

property current_mirror#

x1, x4/3, x2, x4).


Programmability for the PTAT current mirror input (options

property current_mirror_input1#

x1, x0.75, x0.5, x0.25).


Programmability for the PTAT current mirror input of the pMOS section (options

property current_mirror_input2#

x1, x4/3, x2, x4).


Programmability for the PTAT current mirror input of the pMOS section (options

property current_ptat#

x1, x7/8, … x1/8).


Programmability for the PTAT current mirror input (options

property enable_chopping#

Enable chopping.

property enable_lp#

Enable LP.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.IvgenConfig, arg0: str) None#
property ldo_digital_bias#

Bias current adjust for LDO-digital.

property temperature_slope_trim_bandgap#

Bandgap temperature slope trim.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.IvgenConfig) str#
property trim_value_ptat#

Trim for PTAT core current.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.LdoConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of Xylo-Audio3 LDO.

property bypass_ldo_analog#

Bypass LDO analog.

property bypass_ldo_digital#

Bypass LDO digital.

property enable_ldo_digital_current_limiting#

Enable for LDODIG current limiting function.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.LdoConfig, arg0: str) None#
property ldo_digital_bias_stability#

Bias current trim for LDO_DIG stability.

property ldo_digital_capacitor_stability#

Capacitor trim for LDO_DIG stability.

property ldo_digital_current_limit#

LDODIG current limit trim.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.LdoConfig) str#
property vcm_lna_voltage#

Trim for VCM_LNA voltage.

property vcm_pga_l_voltage#

Trim for VCM_PGA_L voltage.

property vcm_pga_voltage#

Trim for VCM_PGA voltage.

property vdd_analog_core_voltage#

Trim for VDDA core voltage.

property vdd_digital_core_voltage#

Trim for VDD core voltage.

property vref_drv_l_voltage#

Trim for VREF_DRV_L voltage.

property vref_lna_h_voltage#

Trim for VREF_LNA_H voltage.

property vref_lna_l_voltage#

Trim for VREF_LNA_L voltage.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.OutputNeuron#

Bases: pybind11_object

The options for each output neuron.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.OutputNeuron, arg0: str) None#
property i_syn_decay#

The decay parameter of synapse current (dash syn) of ON.

property membrane_potential#

The membrane potential (Vmem) of ON.

property synaptic_current#

The synapse current (Isyn) of ON.

property threshold#

Threshold for membrane potential (Vth) of ON.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.OutputNeuron) str#
property v_mem_bias#

The membrane potential bias of ON.

property v_mem_decay#

The decay parameter of membrane potential (dash mem) of ON.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.PdmPreprocessingConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The configuration of the PDM preprocessor.

property clock_direction#

PDM clock direction. Possible Values:

0: Clock comes from externally. 1: Clock is generated internally. (default)

property clock_edge#

PDM clock sampling edge. Possible Values:

0: Clock is sampled on rising edge. (default) 1: Clock is sampled on falling edge.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.PdmPreprocessingConfig, arg0: str) None#
property h_values#

H parameter for channels 0-287.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.PdmPreprocessingConfig) str#
class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.ReadoutConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The readout weight and output neuron configuration of Xylo-Audio3.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.ReadoutConfig, arg0: str) None#
property neurons#

A vector of output neuron configurations, each element is an instance of OutputNeuron

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.ReadoutConfig) str#
property weight_bit_shift#

Output Weight Bit Shift.

property weights#

Weights between output expansion neurons and output neurons.

class samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.XyloConfiguration#

Bases: pybind11_object

Contains configuration options and network parameters for a Xylo-Audio3 device. Applied to a device via apply_configuration() on the device model.

property analog_frontend#

Analog frontend configuration. Instance of AnalogFrontendConfig.

property bias_enable#

Enable bias.

property debug#

Options for debug. Instance of Debug.

property digital_frontend#

Digital frontend configuration. Instance of DigitalFrontendConfig.

property enable_hibernation_mode#

Enter hibernation mode when internal states decayed to stable / equilibrium state.

from_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.XyloConfiguration, arg0: str) None#
property hibernation_mode_time_resolution_wrap#

Hibernation mode time resolution wrap

property hidden#

Hidden configuration. Instance of HiddenConfig.

property input#

Input configuration. Instance of InputConfig.

property input_source#

Select input source:

  • AnalogMicrophone.

  • DigitalMicrophone.

  • SpikeEvents.

  • AdcEvents.

  • PdmEvents.

property operation_mode#

Select operation mode:

  • Manual mode.

  • AcceleratedTime mode.

  • RealTime mode.

  • Recording mode.

  • DirectOutput mode.

property output_counter_wrap#

Output counter wrap in Direct Output mode.

property readout#

Readout configuration. Instance of ReadoutConfig.

property synapse2_enable#

Enable second synapse current.

property time_resolution_wrap#

Time resolution wrap in Real-Time and Direct Output mode.

to_json(self: samna.xyloAudio3.configuration.XyloConfiguration) str#