

Module content#

class samna.xyloCore2.configuration.InputConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The input weight configuration of xylo v2.

from_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.InputConfig, arg0: str) None#
property syn2_weights#

The weights between input neurons and input expansion neurons of Isyn2.

to_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.InputConfig) str#
property weight_bit_shift#

Input Weight Bit Shift.

property weights#

The weights between input neurons and input expansion neurons.

class samna.xyloCore2.configuration.OutputNeuron#

Bases: pybind11_object

The options for each output neuron.

from_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.OutputNeuron, arg0: str) None#
property i_syn_decay#

The decay parameter of synapse current (dash syn) of ON.

property threshold#

Threshold for membrane potential (Vth) of ON.

to_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.OutputNeuron) str#
property v_mem_bias#

The membrane potential bias of ON.

property v_mem_decay#

The decay parameter of membrane potential (dash mem) of ON.

class samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReadoutConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The readout weight and output neuron configuration of xylo v2.

from_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReadoutConfig, arg0: str) None#
property neurons#

A vector of output neuron configurations, each element is an instance of OutputNeuron

to_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReadoutConfig) str#
property weight_bit_shift#

Output Weight Bit Shift.

property weights#

Weights between reservoir neurons and output neurons.

class samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReservoirConfig#

Bases: pybind11_object

The reservoir weight and neuron configuration of xylo v2.

property aliasing#

Whether enable reservoir alias.

from_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReservoirConfig, arg0: str) None#
property neurons#

A vector of neuron configurations, each element is an instance of ReservoirNeuron

property syn2_weights#

The 2nd recurrent synapse weight of reservoir neurons fanout.

to_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReservoirConfig) str#
property weight_bit_shift#

Reservoir Weight Bit Shift.

property weights#

The recurrent synapse weights of reservoir neurons fanout.

class samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReservoirNeuron#

Bases: pybind11_object

The options for each reservoir neuron.

property alias_target#

The aliasing target neuron ID of RSN, default None.

from_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReservoirNeuron, arg0: str) None#
property i_syn2_decay#

The decay parameter of 2nd synapse current (dash syn) of RSN.

property i_syn_decay#

The decay parameter of synapse current (dash syn) of RSN.

property threshold#

Threshold for membrane potential (Vth) of RSN.

to_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.ReservoirNeuron) str#
property v_mem_bias#

The membrane potential bias of RSN.

property v_mem_decay#

The decay parameter of membrane potential (dash mem) of RSN.

class samna.xyloCore2.configuration.XyloConfiguration#

Bases: pybind11_object

Contains configuration options and network parameters for a xylo a2 device. Applied to a device via apply_configuration() on the device model.

property bias_enable#

Whether enable reservoir alias

property clear_network_state#

Whether clear state memory when apply configuration.

property debug#

Options for debug.

property direct_fetch_state_ram#

If it’s set to True, Directly fetch state RAMs (NSCRAM, RSC2RAM, NMPRAM and RSPKRAM) during processing, RAM init via SPI interface needs to be done at first. Or do not directly fetch state RAMs (NSCRAM, RSC2RAM, NMPRAM and RSPKRAM) during processing, RAM init via SPI interface not needed

property enable_hibernation_mode#

If it’s set to True, enter hibernation mode when internal states decayed to stable / equilibrium state. Or do not enter hibernation mode when internal states decayed to stable / equilibrium state

from_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.XyloConfiguration, arg0: str) None#
property hibernation_mode_time_resolution_wrap#

Hibernation Mode Time Resolution Wrap

property input#

Input configuration. Instance of InputConfig.

property operation_mode#

Three modes to select:

  • Manual mode.

  • AcceleratedTime mode.

  • RealTime mode.

property readout#

Readout configuration. Instance of ReadoutConfig.

property reservoir#

Reservoir configuration. Instance of ReservoirConfig.

property synapse2_enable#

Whether enable Isyn2

property time_resolution_wrap#

Time resolution wrap in full auto mode.

to_json(self: samna.xyloCore2.configuration.XyloConfiguration) str#