Module content#
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.DebugConfig#
Debug options.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.DebugConfig, arg0: str) None #
- property monitor_neuron_i_syn#
The neuron range for synaptic current monitor which is only available in accelerated mode.
- property monitor_neuron_spike#
The neuron range for spike count monitor which is only available in accelerated mode.
- property monitor_neuron_v_mem#
The neuron range for membrane potential monitor which is only available in accelerated mode.
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.DebugConfig) str #
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenConfig#
The hidden weight and neuron configuration of xylo imu.
- property aliasing#
Whether enable hidden alias.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenConfig, arg0: str) None #
- property neurons#
A vector of neuron configurations, each element is an instance of
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenConfig) str #
- property weight_bit_shift#
Hidden Weight Bit Shift.
- property weights#
The recurrent synapse weights of hidden neurons fanout.
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenNeuron#
The options for each hidden neuron.
- property alias_target#
The aliasing target neuron ID of RSN, default None.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenNeuron, arg0: str) None #
- property i_syn_decay#
The decay parameter of synapse current (dash syn) of RSN.
- property membrane_potential#
The membrane potential (Vmem) of RSN.
- property spike_count#
Generated / aliased spike count of RSN.
- property synaptic_current#
The synapse current (Isyn) of RSN.
- property threshold#
Threshold for membrane potential (Vth) of RSN.
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.HiddenNeuron) str #
- property v_mem_bias#
The membrane potential bias of RSN.
- property v_mem_decay#
The decay parameter of membrane potential (dash mem) of RSN.
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.InputConfig#
The input weight configuration of Xylo-IMU.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.InputConfig, arg0: str) None #
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.InputConfig) str #
- property weight_bit_shift#
Input Weight Bit Shift.
- property weights#
The weights between input neurons and input expansion neurons.
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.InputInterfaceConfig#
The configuration of IMU input interface.
- property bpf_a1_values#
BPF A1 values from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property bpf_a2_values#
BPF A2 values from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property bpf_baf_values#
BPF Baf value from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property bpf_bb_values#
BPF Bb values from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property bpf_bwf_values#
BPF Bwf values from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property bypass_jsvd#
If bypass JSVD module
- property configuration_timeout#
Time to wait until configuration is done in seconds. Default 3.0.
- property delay_threshold#
Delay Threshold
- property enable#
Enable IMU input.
- property estimator_k_setting#
estimator K setting
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.InputInterfaceConfig, arg0: str) None #
- property iaf_threshold_values#
IAF threshold from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property scale_values#
Scale values from channel 0 to channel 14.
- property select_iaf_output#
If true, send IAF output to Xylo. Otherwise send BPF output to Xylo.
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.InputInterfaceConfig) str #
- property update_matrix_threshold#
Update Matrix Threshold
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.NeuronRange#
Range of neurons to monitor their states automatically by FPGA.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.NeuronRange, arg0: str) None #
- property length#
Neuron count to monitor.
- property neuron_id#
Start neuron id of the range.
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.NeuronRange) str #
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.OutputNeuron#
The options for each output neuron.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.OutputNeuron, arg0: str) None #
- property i_syn_decay#
The decay parameter of synapse current (dash syn) of ON.
- property membrane_potential#
The membrane potential (Vmem) of RSN.
- property synaptic_current#
The synapse current (Isyn) of RSN.
- property threshold#
Threshold for membrane potential (Vth) of ON.
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.OutputNeuron) str #
- property v_mem_bias#
The membrane potential bias of ON.
- property v_mem_decay#
The decay parameter of membrane potential (dash mem) of ON.
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.ReadoutConfig#
The readout weight and output neuron configuration of Xylo-IMU.
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.ReadoutConfig, arg0: str) None #
- property neurons#
A vector of output neuron configurations, each element is an instance of
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.ReadoutConfig) str #
- property weight_bit_shift#
Output Weight Bit Shift.
- property weights#
Weights between output expansion neurons and output neurons.
- class samna.xyloImu.configuration.XyloConfiguration#
Contains configuration options and network parameters for a Xylo-IMU device. Applied to a device via apply_configuration() on the device model.
- property bias_enable#
Whether enable hidden alias
- property debug#
Options for debug.
- property enable_hibernation_mode#
If it’s set to True, enter hibernation mode when internal states decayed to stable / equilibrium state. Or do not enter hibernation mode when internal states decayed to stable / equilibrium state
- from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.XyloConfiguration, arg0: str) None #
- property hibernation_mode_time_resolution_wrap#
Hibernation Mode Time Resolution Wrap
Hidden configuration. Instance of
- property imu_if_input_enable#
When set to true, select IMU interface. Otherwise select saer interface.
- property input#
Input configuration. Instance of
- property input_interface#
IMU input interface configuration. Instance of
- property operation_mode#
Three modes to select:
Manual mode.
AcceleratedTime mode.
RealTime mode.
- property readout#
Readout configuration. Instance of
- property time_resolution_wrap#
Time resolution wrap in full auto mode.
- to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.configuration.XyloConfiguration) str #