



Module content#

class samna.xyloImu.event.HiddenSpikeCount#

Bases: pybind11_object

The response event of ReadHiddenSpike.

property count#

Generated / aliased spike count of this hidden neuron.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.HiddenSpikeCount, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

Corresponding neuron id, start from 0.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.HiddenSpikeCount) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.Interrupt#

Bases: pybind11_object

An output event which indicates an interrupt has occured on the chip. The generation of Interrupt is controlled by IE register. By default interrupt always emits when trigger processing done.

class samna.xyloImu.event.MembranePotential#

Bases: pybind11_object

The response event of ReadMembranePotential.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.MembranePotential, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

Corresponding neuron id, start from 0.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.MembranePotential) str#
property value#

The membrane potential of this neuron.

class samna.xyloImu.event.MemoryValue#

Bases: pybind11_object

The response event of ReadMemoryValue.

property address#

The reading memory address which equals to the address in corresponding ReadMemoryValue.

property data#

The memory value that we read.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.MemoryValue, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.MemoryValue) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.ReadHiddenSpikeCount#

Bases: pybind11_object

Read spike count of a hidden neuron.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadHiddenSpikeCount, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

Corresponding neuron id, start from 0.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadHiddenSpikeCount) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMembranePotential#

Bases: pybind11_object

Read membrane potential of a hidden neuron or output neuron

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMembranePotential, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

Corresponding neuron id, start from 0. Output neurons locate right after hidden neurons.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMembranePotential) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMemoryValue#

Bases: pybind11_object

Read memory value from Xylo-IMU.

property address#

The memory address to read from.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMemoryValue, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadMemoryValue) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.ReadRegisterValue#

Bases: pybind11_object

Read register value of Xylo-IMU.

property address#

The register address to read from.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadRegisterValue, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadRegisterValue) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.ReadSynapticCurrent#

Bases: pybind11_object

Read synaptic current of a hidden neuron or output neuron

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadSynapticCurrent, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

Corresponding neuron id, start from 0. Output neurons locate right after hidden neurons.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.ReadSynapticCurrent) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.ReadVersion#

Bases: pybind11_object

Read the fixed version of Xylo-IMU.

class samna.xyloImu.event.Readout#

Bases: pybind11_object

State memory and output values read by FPGA automatically or triggered by TriggerReadout event manually, which contains a processed timestep and all neuron state after processing of that timestep.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.Readout, arg0: str) None#
property hidden_spikes#

Spike count values of monitored hidden neurons, which is only available in accelerated mode and whose range is configured by samna.xyloImu.configuration.DebugConfig.monitor_neuron_spike.

property neuron_i_syns#

Synaptic current values of monitored hidden neurons and output neurons, which is only available in accelerated mode and whose range is configured by samna.xyloImu.configuration.DebugConfig.monitor_neuron_i_syn.

property neuron_v_mems#

Membrane potential values of monitored hidden neurons and output neurons, which is only available in accelerated mode and whose range is configured by samna.xyloImu.configuration.DebugConfig.monitor_neuron_v_mem.

property output_spikes#

Spike count values of all output neurons.

property output_v_mems#

Membrane potential values of all output neurons.

property timestep#

Corresponding processed timestep of this event.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.Readout) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.RegisterValue#

Bases: pybind11_object

The response event of ReadRegisterValue event.

property address#

The reading address, it equals to the address in corresponding ReadRegisterValue.

property data#

The register value that read.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.RegisterValue, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.RegisterValue) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.Spike#

Bases: pybind11_object

Spikes are events that can be consumed and produced by Xylo-IMU.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.Spike, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

The target neuron id of the spike event.

property timestep#

When receiving a Spike event from a chip the timestamp will be populated with the time at which the event leave the chip in microseconds.

When sending a Spike event to a chip the timestamp will be used to control which timestep the event will be applied to the chip.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.Spike) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.SynapticCurrent#

Bases: pybind11_object

The response event of ReadSynapticCurrent.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.SynapticCurrent, arg0: str) None#
property neuron_id#

Corresponding neuron id, start from 0.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.SynapticCurrent) str#
property value#

The synaptic current of this neuron.

class samna.xyloImu.event.TriggerProcessing#

Bases: pybind11_object

Trigger specific times until target timestep reaches in accelerated mode or realtime mode, and trigger once in manual mode.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.TriggerProcessing, arg0: str) None#
property target_timestep#

Target timestep to reach after processing, only available in accelerated mode or realtime mode.

The target timestep itself won’t be processed. e.g. If you set target timestep to 10, then after all processing complete, the result of samna.xyloImu.event.TriggerReadout event will give you samna.xyloImu.event.Readout event with timestep=9.

If a value smaller than current timestep is set for target timestep, nothing happens.

Default no effect if this value is not set in accelerated mode, default triggering infinitely if this value is not set in realtime mode.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.TriggerProcessing) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.TriggerReadout#

Bases: pybind11_object

Trigger to get last processed timestep and all neuron state after processing.

class samna.xyloImu.event.Version#

Bases: pybind11_object

The response event of ReadVersion.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.Version, arg0: str) None#
property major#

Major part of Xylo version which is fixed at 1.

property minor#

Minor part of Xylo version which is fixed at 1.

to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.Version) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.WriteMemoryValue#

Bases: pybind11_object

Write a memory value to Xylo-IMU.

property address#

The memory address to write to.

property data#

The data writing to the address.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.WriteMemoryValue, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.WriteMemoryValue) str#
class samna.xyloImu.event.WriteRegisterValue#

Bases: pybind11_object

Write register value of Xylo-IMU.

property address#

Target register address.

property data#

The new register value to write.

from_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.WriteRegisterValue, arg0: str) None#
to_json(self: samna.xyloImu.event.WriteRegisterValue) str#